For many years I was the crazy Dentist handing out toothbrushes on Halloween!
Now that I’m a parent myself, we try to find a balance between embracing the fun of Halloween while still looking after our kids smiles.
Nobody wants to be a Halloween scrooge, so here’re a few considerations to help decide on your choice of Halloween treats.
A few possible alternatives to handing out lollies on Halloween night may include: bottled water; sugar free treats; apples; glow sticks; small inexpensive toys such as super balls, crayons, pencils or stickers.
Chocolate – always a favourite with kids. Remember, dark chocolate generally contains less sugar than milk chocolate and is a healthier alternative.
Sticky lollies – sticky means hard to remove from teeth and this increases the risk of decay.
Lollipops – the last thing we want are children running around with sticks in their mouths. You’d be surprised at the damage they can cause if children fall. No parent wants to be rushing off to their local hospital emergency department.
It can be hard to resist snacking on lollies and chocolate when you’re hungry. Eat a full meal before taking the family out trick or treating.
Everybody knows sweet food and drinks lead to dental decay. Bacteria in our mouths use sugars to produce acid and it’s this acid that will then dissolve the enamel on your teeth, making holes. The more sugar you have, the more holes you’ll get.
The easiest way to neutralise acid produced in the mouth is by drinking water. Skip the sweet drinks and encourage your children to drink water after eating lollies or sweet treats and before brushing their teeth. Don’t forget to floss well before bed.
Remember, ALL THINGS IN MODERATION, and have a fun night!
B.D.S(Hons).(Syd). MDSc (Melb, Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Conscious Sedation & Pain Control), FRACDS, FPFA, Senior Clinical Associate (Uni of Syd), Dental Surgeon.