Root canal therapy
Root canal or endodontic treatment, is a process whereby inflamed or dead pulp is removed from the inside of the tooth, enabling a tooth that was causing pain to be retained.
Dental pulp is the soft tissue in the canal that runs through the centre of a tooth. Once a tooth is fully formed it can function normally without its pulp and is able to be maintained.
After removing the pulp, the root canals are cleaned, sterilised and shaped to a form that can be completely sealed with a filling material to prevent further infection. The treatment can take several appointments, depending on how complex the tooth is, and how long the infection takes to clear.
Subsequently a crown or complex restoration to restore or protect the tooth may be a necessary recommendation, as a tooth after undergoing treatment may be more likely to fracture.
Steps involved in root canal treatment:
- An opening is made through the crown of the tooth into the chamber where the pulp is found.
- The pulp is removed, and the root canal/s are cleaned and shaped into a form that can be filled easily.
- Medications to prevent infection may be placed in the pulp chamber.
- Antibiotics may be prescribed to help prevent infection.
- The temporary filling will be removed, and after cleaning, the pulp chamber and root canal/s will be filled.
- Finally, you may require a crown to help hold the tooth together.
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