“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Northside Dental is an official drop off point for unused, unwanted disposable nappies. You’ll find our collection box in the reception area at our Turramurra practice.
We’ve been collecting on behalf of the Nappy Collective for some years now and it’s heartwarming to see our collection box continue to overflow with the generous donations from our community.
Each and every nappy donated makes a difference, so please don’t be shy. Pop in and drop those nappies off. It doesn’t matter whether there’s one or two left over in a pack, or an unopened pack of 24.
B.D.S(Hons).(Syd). MDSc (Melb, Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Conscious Sedation & Pain Control), FRACDS, FPFA, Senior Clinical Associate (Uni of Syd), Dental Surgeon.