Anxious about dental treatment?
Dr. Ian SweeneyB.D.S(Hons).(Syd). MDSc (Melb, Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Conscious Sedation & Pain Control), FRACDS, FPFA, Senior Clinical Associate (Uni of Syd), […]

Dental Urban Myths
Dental Urban Myths For everything we do, there is an “urban myth” or “old wives’ tale”, telling us how we should be […]

Dental Care for Patients with Special Needs
Dental care for patients with special needs is as imperative as it is for the rest of the population. We often see […]

Bad breath
Bad breath or Halitosis is extremely common and is estimated to affect 50% of the general population. Halitosis may originate from an […]

Allergies, Hayfever and your mouth
Allergies, Hayfever and your mouth. In Australia, a large proportion of the population suffer from seasonal allergies and Hayfever. There are some […]

Cracked Tooth Pain
People appear to be suffering more stress related illness at the moment and certainly amongst the problems seem is an increase in […]